Monday, August 29, 2011

One Step Closer

Here are the two character profiles I've developed.  I'm trying really hard not to control this too much because that would be unfair to any artists and writers that want to participate.  So here follows a quick profile of Veros and Harad and a few more guidelines.

Veros is the young, hot-headed daughter of the Cheif of a nomadic air tribe.  Very rarely does she listen to her father, or anyone else's advice in regards to actions and plans that need to be followed.  Yet, somehow, she seems to have an instinct for the right choice at the right moment.  She is impulsive, brash and sharp tongued at times, but all these traits are to hide a fear that she is not good enough to follow in her father's footsteps as chief of their tribe.

Harad is a bit of a loner from his tribe.  His constant questioning for a better solution to the status-quo has often gotten him in trouble with the village elders. More and more often, he wanders from the village in order to explore and experiment and find a better way to deal with the world around him.  His Da Vinci type brain often fails much more than it works and his curiousity often get's him into situations that his inginuity needs to get him out of.

Hopefully, I'll have the first page up by September 2nd and and the second page up by September 9th and then it's up to you (other artists and writers) to continue it on.  The format is going to be 7x10.5 300 dpi, I'll reduce it down to 72 dpi for web purposes. Black and white with grey scale, or just straight black and white.  If you're feeling ambitious, throw some color on it.

I'm hoping we can develop a bit of a cycle going on who takes the next page.  So, if you're interested, e-mail and put your name if you're interested.  Also, let me know if you'd like to first or last in the cycle. This same e-mail is where the pages can be sent to so they can put up on the blog.


 Nicholas P. Myers 

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